My first author reading!

On November 3, I was one of three featured authors invited to give a reading!

Okay, first disclaimer: the venue was my younger daughter's school book fair. Second disclaimer: all of the authors are parents with kids attending the elementary school, and it was a fundraiser. Still, a start is a start, and it was a lot of fun :) 

It was a really eclectic mix of authors: me (the only fiction writer), a professor of Jewish Studies who'd written a book about the Judaic traditions surrounding women's menstrual cycles (really), and a professor of Asian American Studies who'd written a book about AsAm artists. I wondered how it would go over; surprisingly, it was a very interesting talk. My Jewish printmaker friend Eva adored it.

It was well attended - mostly because I'd sent out a shotgun blast of email telling my friends and family about it. And a lot of them came and were very supportive. Really, it was a real gift to see all those friendly faces in the audience - thanks to everyone who attended (and really special thanks to everyone who attended and bought a copy of CHOPSTYX).